
Αλγόριθμος κατά της Διαφθοράς στην Υγεία

Απλά πράγματα, θα πει κανείς. Ναι, αλλά από την άγνοια των απλών και των αυτονόητων πάσχουμε.

Objectives for introductory training program in anti-corruption and health


  1. Define corruption.
  2. Identify the types of corrupt activities that occur in the health sector, and their scope and seriousness.
  3. Explain why corruption occurs, applying principles of economics, governance, and crime prevention to understand the issues involved.
  4. Assess risks and vulnerabilities which make corruption more likely in certain settings.
  5. Identify the consequences which can result from corruption.
  6. Discuss cultural differences in defining morality and corruption, including the blurred line between corruption and trading favors, giving gifts, using contacts, etc.
  7. Describe the core elements of corruption prevention and control programs.
  8. Given a particular country situation or program, explain how corruption can be reduced in drug supply, financial systems, and delivery of health services.
  9. Become an effective advocate for anti-corruption strategies and reforms to promote accountability and transparency in health programs.


Ο αλγόριθμος αντιγράφηκε από το “Approaches to teaching and learning about corruption in the health sector” του Anti-corruption Resource Center, της σχολής Δημόσιας Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου της Βοστόνης, που δημοσιεύτηκε Δεκέμβριο του 2009.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ehealthgr, Mike_Korinthos. Mike_Korinthos said: Αλγόριθμος κατά της Διαφθοράς στην Υγεία […]

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